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Christmas Time

Dear Lovely Dreamerers,

Christmas is coming soon! István and me were to buy some gifts but we haven't cased them yet.
Tomorrow we are going to my sister in the morning, cause István is going to make a really tasty fried fish and near this we will help to my sister a lot.
I hope that Your Christmas will be so quiet and happy!!!

 And a little Christmas gift from me to You. This is a hungarian band. ""Béke" means "quiet" in English and this song gives a very nice feeling for the Christmas!:)

Good Night and Merry Christmas to all of You,


Tonight's Song

Dear Readers,

Tonight a new lyrics was born to the album we will record maybe in the spring. We work a lot to do it so perfect and special and we wait to step forward! Everything starts to work well and this is a good new for us, cause there were a lot of problem in the past with the band, but this is our life and we know that it will become so good!

I'd like to post a really beautiful song from the new Nightwish album, cause I really like it and tonight this song's feeling is the same as mine! :)

Good Night,


Countryside and a Lovely Day

Dear Lovely Dreamerers,

Today we visited István's Grandmother at Szabadegyháza (a village in Hungary-countryside) with István's Brother. The Grandmother is a really beautiful and strong women, I really love her, she does everything around her house in the garden. For example today she made a very tasty lunch for us and near this, she has given for us a lot of meat of pig so we've brought so much from it to my Parents. We helped her a lot and played with her animals (dogs and cats) so to sum up it was a very lovely day I can say.

Anyway, we will get the plan of "picture of the demo CD" likely next week and we will upload to the Offical Site and near this we've uploaded our common song (Bleeding-made by István and Anna) from 2009. It was our first project so listen to it! :) We hope you'll like it!
You can find the song here: http://tristana.hu 
or: http://facebook.com/tristanamusic

Some pictures I made in these days:


Not allowed to be lazy

Dear Lovely Readers,

We have lots of work with István, cause We try to do the band so professional and so serious and for this plan we have to buy a new keyboard. We've decided that we want to buy a Korg M50. This is expressly appropriate for a professional or half-professional demo CD, we will make maybe in the spring. So we have lots of job to earn money and to buy this really cool keyboard! :)

Anyway, we met with members and the meeting was really positive although the drummer finally standed off but we have another candidate and we really hope that the band will start soon.
Maybe our first rehearsal will be on Saturday, but I will tell more soon I will know.:)

Aaaand eventually I show some pictures I did some days ago...some of them are funny..:)

Good Night Lovely Dreamerers,


Important Tomorrow

Dear Dreamerers,

Sorry that I can't write often, but we have a lot of problems, first and foremost that we have to move off our sublet....
Buuut tomorrow is going to be a really important day for us, cause we are going to meet our new members of Tristana. We are really excited, we hope, that new musicians are so excellent and the common work will be effective.

Good Night Everyone ,