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"Things will change..."

Dear Lovely Dreamerers,

First of all I say sorry, because I didin't write so long cause I was "lost in my things".
Imagine, that me and my ex boyfriend are in a relationship again, so he is my boyfriend I don't have to say "ex" and we are so so so happy...there isn't any word for this! We really love each other! :) I've always felt that it will happen and we will be together again!

The band is making the demo CD, it will be ready in December and We are going to have a gig on 5th of November! I will write about it!
For the demo CD, we are going to have a promo shoot on 6th of November, so we are so excited!

I feel that I have lots of energy and I can wrap everything up! I'd like to see that everything is ok and my friends are happy! I smile  for the world so...it will smile back I hope!:) My life is a wonder now..really!
Thank you my friends!!!!

I will show new pictures about me and my boyfriend, István, but now my net connection is so wrong and it doesn't let me upload pictures!

Good Night to all of You,


Music of the Day

Dear Dreamerers,

I thought that I post a really beautiful song for you, cause I listened to it! so...
This song is "Tides of Time" by Epica! :)

Good Night Everybody,

Light of the Moon

Dear Lovely Dreamerers,

I have a lot of thoughts now, cause my life has changed a lot in these days. I feel that everything can be so so so good and beautiful and I can wrap everything up....I have a lot of energy and I'm so happy, but sometimes I feel that the life is so hard and it gives a lot of problem to us and we should go along and wrap problems up. Yes...this is the life and in every moment and every day I feel that there are lots of beauty I just have to hold on and go forward!

Anyway, I couldn't go to my singing teacher today, cause I felt sick a little bit but I haven't become ill, cause our next gig is going to be on 15th of October!:)
I've given a very good dress from Klári (our pianist) for the concert!:)
Aaaand we had rehearsals and they were excellent so the gig will be very good I hope! :)
Don't forget, we have surprises!:)


Fantastic News - message from "Hangfoglalás"

Dear Lovely Readers,

We've got the General Manager's message tonight about our gig on 'Hangfoglalás'!
He said that we were excellent and he knows that there were defaults but not because of us, cause they weren't aware enough, but they want us to play in next year on 'Hangfoglalás' again but in a bigger stage and through 1 hour !!!!! It is a really really excellent chanse to us and we are so excited!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :)


"We will take you with us"

Dear Dreamerers,

I got photos about the party tonight soooo I can show some of them to you!:)
This weekend was a real wonder to us, cause we've spent 3 beautiful days together. Friday night was the party in Pilis with lots of food and smile and music and fun! <3 Saturday we listened Ádám to play on Hangfoglalás and he was so so so excellent, We are so proud of him! Aaaand Sunday was our so so so short gig on Hangfoglalás. It was short, cause a jazz band played before us and they played too much. our gig wasn't perfect but we enjoyed it and it was a big chanse for the band so thank you so much QSC!! :)

We've written the Intro track and one song for the EP and another one is in making!!!!

Our next gig is going to be on 15th of October in 'Gyár Rock Klub'. We have suprises for You, so come!! :))))


Good Night,


"Antoher life is no that far" - Conspiracy in the Syma Hall

Dear Lovely Readers,

Tomorrow we're going to have a really important gig in the Syma Hall ( A large and popular place in Budapest ). There is an exhibition about musical instruments now.
So this thing is really unbelievable to us, cause "we can move big stones along"
I will upload a lot of pohotos about our party and our concert soon! :)

Good Night,